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1. What is the FTTA Support Fund?

The FTTA Support Fund was established in June 2019 in close fellowship with LSM, the FTTA Office, and the co-workers as a way to inform and afford saints a mechanism to give directly to FTTA as outlined on this website. It is administered by a group of FTTA trainee graduates who are burdened to see the training go on in an unhindered way.


2. How will my funds be used?

The funds will be used primarily to support trainees who would otherwise lack the means to come to the training, and secondarily to support the operating costs of FTTA. Because the FTTA Support Fund is volunteer-run, 100% of the money donated is given to FTTA.


3. Are my donations tax-deductible?

Yes, the Fund is considered a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization, so your donations are charitable, and therefore tax-deductible.


4. Will I receive a receipt for my giving?

Our giving platform,, automatically sends an email receipt at the time of donation that includes the amount given and to whom it was given (i.e. FTTA Support Fund). You may keep this for your records when reporting taxes. Additionally, a year-end charitable organization donation summary will be sent. If giving by check, please register your email on the  'Contact Us' page so you can be sent a year-end summary.


5. If I set up a recurring donation, can I cancel or pause my giving at any time?

Yes. There is an option to cancel giving on each email receipt. You may also cancel at any time by logging into, cancelling your gift through your bank or credit card, or requesting a pause or cancellation by contacting us at


6. Is there a suggested amount to offer?

We encourage all the saints to consider before the Lord how much they would offer. While one-time gifts are helpful, recurring gifts are preferable given the ongoing nature of the need, with $25-100 (or more, if your situation allows) as a possible starting suggestion.


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